Co-sponsors Co. Ltd.

Chinese Association for Go, Taiwan

Microsoft Taiwan Corporation


  Computer Go has been developing for the past several years. In 1998, Martin Muller won despite 29 handicap stones against the computer Go “Many Faces of Go”. In August 2008, the computer Go “MoGo” has won with an advantage of “only” 9 handicap stones against top-level human players in 19 19 Go—Myung-Wan Kim, who won the 2008 US Open with Korean 8th Dan Pro (8P). Additionally, another computer Go “CrazyStone” won with handicaps of 8 and 7 stones against Kaori Aoba, a Japanese 4th Dan Pro (4P) in December 2008. Due to the development of the Computational Intelligence, computer Go has made considerable progress for the past 10 years. Programs are currently competitive at the professional level in 9 by 9 Go. To strengthen computer Go programs and advocate research, development and application of computer games’ related fields, Taiwan hosted the “2008 Computational Intelligence Forum and World 9 by 9 Computer Go Championship ” on September 25-27, 2008, and “2009 Invited Games for MoGo vs. Taiwan Professional Go Players (Taiwan Open 2009)” on February 10-13, 2009. The 2008 and 2009 events were widely reported by the several international mass media such as USA, Germany, France, and Japan ( and

  The game of Go is one of the last board game where the strongest humans are still able to easily win against Computer Go program. But researchers have discovered new performing algorithms and computers are catching up really fast. Taiwan Open 2009 has been ended with a success in making two world records. The Go program MoGo made two new world records by winning a 19 by 19 game with 7 handicap stones against the 9P professional Go player Chun-Hsun Chou and a 19 by 19 game with 6 handicap stones against the 1P professional Go player Li-Chen Chien. If computers continue to improve at this rate, one more human stronghold may fall in front of machines in less than 10 years. Afterwards, the development team of MoGo will definitely continue to enhance the strength and improve the weakness of MoGo by learning more knowledge and strategy from professional Go players in the future.

  In order to enhance the fun in Go playing by human interaction with computer programs and to stimulate the development and researches of computer Go programs, the “FUZZ-IEEE 2009: Panel, Invited Sessions, and Human vs. Computer Go Competition” will be held at the FUZZ-IEEE 2009 and is organized by some Taiwan’s academic affiliations, including National University of Tainan (NUTN), Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (TAAI), Institute of Information Science (IIS) of Academia Sinica, and National Science Council (NSC), as well as France’s academic affiliation TAO, INRIA. The objective of the proposed panel and invited session is to highlight an ongoing research on Computational Intelligence approaches as well as their applications on game domains. In addition, it is also hoped that the advances in computational intelligence will make more progress in the field of computer Go than before to achieve as much as computer chess or Chinese chess in the future.


NUTN, Taiwan

TAAI, Taiwan

IIS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

NSC, Taiwan

TAO, INRIA, France

Computer Center of NUTN 


  Copyright © 2009 OASE Lab., NUTN, Taiwan All Rights Reserved Last Updated: Aug 4, 2009